Pachorojia Godalboria songs are indigenous to the Tiwa communities residing in Morigaon & Nagaon district of Assam. They are termed as Pachorojia Godalboria songs since performances are prevalent in five kingdoms (Pachorojia) of Tiwa kings. Rooted in agricultural activities they are performed by Tiwa tribe members who subsist on agriculture. The lyrics are very simple but the expressions are powerful. Thematically they describe nature and a longing for loved ones.

Dibya Jyoti Borah
Dibya Jyoti Borah is president of Folk Culture Research Centre of North East India (a Unit of ARHI) a not for profit organization dedicated to archiving, documentation and preservation of the cultural heritage of North East India. He is consistently working in the field of preservation and documentation of indigenous heritage of North East India for last 10 years. He has worked for a number of journals, books and magazines published from this region, including, The Manipur Journal and The North East Voice. Currently he is a column writer and special correspondent for The North East Today magazine. A graduate in Arts from Ramjas college, University of Delhi, he holds a Masters degree in Mass Communication from Madurai Kamraj University.