Songs of Saraz Region | Ghati

Songs of Saraz Region | Ghati

in Video
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Vikalp Ashiquehind

Vikalp Ashiqehind is a linguist trained at University College London. He specializes in the syntax and prosody of human language and is presently engaged in writing a grammar of Sarazi language.



She says we cut Janri grass

O big brother! Flowers of the garden in the front

The herd of sheep behind

She says we cut grass in the meadows

She says write a letter to the favourite person

She says the vessel sails

The beloved leaves and crosses over to Batla

How to bear the unbearable?

Vultures roam the sky

Where are mother, father and sister?

She says the grapes have ripened

To how many should I send the bunch and a message of happiness?

The beloved complains

Ghati is a folk genre indigenous to Saraz. The vocabulary is barely alive in the popular memory and not understood by many young people nowadays. It is sung alone while herding sheep in the meadows. This ghati laments the absence of a loved one.


Zoi gaassaa katan oy katu cham aa jani

Agri bajo baaga to phulaa de

Patta beda ti ho kanni

Zoi gaassaa kattan oy uchre nedze

Zoiya mene man ta o manuaa te chitthi likhita o beze 

Zoi gire ta oy gagriye gire

Naagvani nisita batlaa paare de

Harvaani kemri o zire

Zoi shenitaa menie sheni ho ambre girantiya sheni

Kola mena baai taa baabo de kola sakki srappni oy beini

Zoi daachi ta paake hoy

Duchhaalnu ridde ketrane bezaa aaun suk ta sant de

daalli ho bezaan chhi ho nore