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Matu Hamru, Paani Hamru,
Hamra hi chhan yi baun bhi!
Ours is the earth, Ours is the water
Ours is the fields, forest and fodder!
———song composed during Chipko movement.
Sudesha (right) in her…
in Article
A short film on the traditional and sustainable practice of mixed farming known as Baranaja in Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. In Hindi, 'barah' means twelve, and 'anaja' is grains. These crops include not only food grains, but also oil seeds, pulses, vegetables, and spices.…
in Video
This is a comprehensive multimedia module on traditional food practices and systems in Uttarakhand. The Green Revolution has not interfered with the hills of Uttarakhand, which is why major portions of the state continue with traditional organic farming and depend on the local seed-bank…
in Module