
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Surender Meher
Textiles are cultural artefacts that reflect social histories of the places where they originate. In the Indian subcontinent, owing to its vastness, an account of its wide-ranging textiles presents a particularly speckled map. Textiles in India vary from place to place dramatically,…
in Overview
Ipsita Sahu
Surender Meher, expert and master weaver, speaks about the traditional textile art of Odisha—Sambalpuri Ikat, which is known all over the world. He is also explaining how each member of the family of a weaver plays an important role at different stages of weaving a Sambalpuri.…
in Interview
Ipsita Sahu
  Crill, Rosemary, 1998. Indian Ikat Textiles, London: V&A Publications.   Ghosh, G.K. and Ghosh Shukla. 2000. Ikat Textiles of India. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation.   Gibbon, Fitz Kate and Andrew Hale. 1997. Ikat: Splendid Silks of Central Asia: The…
in Bibliography
Ipsita Sahu
Ikat is a resist dyeing and weaving technique. While this textile craft is known as bandha kala or ‘tie art’ in Odisha, it is popularly known as ikat. The term ‘ikat’ is derived from the Indonesian language, and the craft is also widely practised in Indonesia, Japan, Central Asia, and also in…
in Article
Ipsita Sahu
Guided by the master weaver, Surender Meher, the video shows the various intricate stages of weaving a Sambalpuri textile. The combination of tying, dyeing and weaving makes it a labour-intensive craft.   Surendra Meher is the youngest son of legendary ikat weaver Padmashree Kunjabihari…
in Video
Ipsita Sahu
in Image Gallery
Ipsita Sahu
Sambalpuri textiles are one of reasons the state of Odisha is known all over the world. It is cotton fabric primarily known for its unique production technique—Ikat or Ikkat i.e., 'tie and dye technique'—which is locally known as Bandha Kalaa. Though it is known by the name of Sambalpur…
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