Bharthari Performance BibliographyBibliography
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
The role of storytellers in transmitting tales and epics orally is crucial, but has been fading from public memory in recent times. Bards travelling from place to place singing tales and epics transmitted these stories but also preserved them in ways and forms that were often unique to…
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भरथरी लोककथा सार
मान्यता है कि गुरू गोरखनाथ का प्रथम चेला राजा भरथरी था। कथा के अनुसार राजा भरथरी का जन्म गढ़ उज्जैन में हुआ था। उनसे जन्म के समय नामकरण के लिए काशी से ब्राह्मण आए थे।उन्होनें ज्योतिष गणना करके बताया कि यह बालक बारह वर्ष तक…
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The tale of Gopi Chanda and that of Raja Bharthari are interlinked. Both their protagonists are kings who become yogis on account of circumstances that are predestined. Their fates are linked to Nath Jogis, a…
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दानी राम बंजारे और जानकी बाई बंजारे द्वारा प्रस्तुत गोपी चंदा गाथा
छत्तीसगढ़ी श्रुतलेखन एवं हिन्दी लिप्यांतरण: संजीव तिवारी
Chhattisgarhi (Hereafter C): बंसी के बजइया मनमोहना ये वो गइया के चरइया मनमोहना ये ना
Hindi Translation (Hereafter H): वंशी बजाने वाला मनमोहन है, गाय को चराने…
in Video
This module is part of series of modules on performing genres from Chhattisgarh. They seek to reflect the richness of oral epics and folklore traditions from this region, and the modes in which they are performed and recited. The focus is the documentation of the entire epic or tale known…
in Module
Field Notes: Performing Bharthari—Change and Continuity in Chhattisgarh
Rekha Jalkshatri arrives for the recording of her performance of the epic of Raja Bharthari on a hot day in the month of March with an all-male troupe in tow. They disband from a van and proceed to change into their ‘…
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Gold, Ann Grodzins. 1993. A Carnival of Parting: The Tales of King Bharthari and King Gopi Chand as Sung and Told by Madhu Natisar Nath of Ghatiyali, Rajasthan. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Yogishvar, Balakram. N.d. Bhakt Gopichand Bharthari, Delhi: Agarwal Book Depot.
in Bibliography
This module is part of series of modules on performing genres from Chhattisgarh. They seek to reflect the richness of oral epics and folklore traditions from this region, and the modes in which they are performed and recited. The focus is the documentation of the entire epic or tale …
in Module
This video is based on the recitation of the Bharthari epic by the Chhattisgarhi artist Rekha Jalkshatri, who began performing the epic at the age of twelve, and has been performing this epic for over forty years, receiving accolades and recognition. An interview with the artist draws out the…
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