Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Origin, ethics and closeness to nature
As in most pre-industrial societies, the geographic and topographical features of Rajasthan exerted a significant influence over its socio-economic conditions. The Aravalli hills divide Rajasthan broadly into two natural divisions: the north-…
in Overview
Newer environmental trends within the Bishnoi community
‘Bishnoi-sm’ as a sect and its ecological traditions have been documented in various studies but, of late, a series of sustained, interconnected and planned protest action has emanated from the community. Observable in local…
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General attributes
Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) is one of the most common tree species found in India (in the dry regions of Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh), Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. It plays a vital role in preserving the ecosystem of arid and…
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This module explores the extensive work on conserving wildlife and natural heritage undertaken by the Bishnoi community of western Rajasthan. The module will acquaint readers with the cultural symbols and ethos of the Bishnois, who remain keenly ritualistic and aware of the need to protect the…
in Module