B.R. Ambedkar

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee
Dr B.R. Ambedkar was one of the greatest Dalit leaders who not only wrote about caste but also led by example, converting to Buddhism on October 14, 1956. According to Ambedkar, the Dalits could not escape the caste system unless they abandoned Hinduism and became a part of 'another community which…
in Article
Ishita Banerjee-Dubey
  Rajarshi Chunder: How did the colonial administrators and ethnographers define the idea of caste? To what extent did it differ from the indigenous understanding of caste?   Ishita Banerjee Dubey: More than defining caste, over which colonial administrators did not agree, what they did…
in Interview
Rajarshi Chunder
This module explores how the institution of caste has been used to understand Indian society since the mid-19th century. The overview article is on Rabindranath Tagore's ideas and opinions about caste; allied articles focus on perceptions of caste by the literati of 19th-century Bengal…
in Module
Bharath Murthy
Introduction This article attempts to survey the various artistic strategies used in the Indian graphic novel form. The focus is on works that self-consciously claim to be graphic novels. These are longer narratives, with a more ambitious scope both thematically and artistically. We trace the…
in Overview