
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
By Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh   Rajesh Kumar Singh: I have with me Prof. N. Yaguchi of University of Kanazawa, Japan who has been working on the Ajanta caves since the last twenty-five years as far as I know. He is a professor of architecture in the Department of Humanities and Social…
in Interview
 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh I have Prof. Dhavalikar with me to speak on the subject of Ajanta. He was recently awarded Padmashri by the government of India—by the President of India, rather—and his opinion on the subject of Ajanta is extremely important as far as the learner is concerned.…
in Interview
Rajesh Kumar Singh
The Ajanta caves: an overview Rajesh K Singh Contents Introduction. 1 Location. 1 Importance. 1 Period. 1 Purpose of the caves. 2 The makers of the caves. 2 The extent of the paintings. 2 The corpus of the paintings. 3 References. 5 Endnotes. 6     Introduction The Ajanta caves are rock-…
in Overview