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दानी राम बंजारे और जानकी बाई बंजारे द्वारा प्रस्तुत गोपी चंदा गाथा
छत्तीसगढ़ी श्रुतलेखन एवं हिन्दी लिप्यांतरण: संजीव तिवारी
Chhattisgarhi (Hereafter C): बंसी के बजइया मनमोहना ये वो गइया के चरइया मनमोहना ये ना
Hindi Translation (Hereafter H): वंशी बजाने वाला मनमोहन है, गाय को चराने…
in Video
This module is part of series of modules on performing genres from Chhattisgarh. They seek to reflect the richness of oral epics and folklore traditions from this region, and the modes in which they are performed and recited. The focus is the documentation of the entire epic or tale known…
in Module