
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Lopamudra Talukdar
in Image Gallery
Manan Kapoor
The Bhagirath Palace electrical market is one of Chandni Chowk’s most famous bazaars, visited by thousands in search of lamps, lights and electrical knick-knacks. However, not many are familiar with the intriguing history of not only the 19th-century building that was once a symbol of power and sex…
in Article
Garima Agarwal
in Image Gallery
Chenoy, S.M. 1998. Shahjahanabad A City of Delhi, 1638–1857. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.   Cooper, Ilay and Dawson, Barry. 1998. Traditional Buildings of India. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.   Goel, Vijay. 2010. Delhi: The Emperor’s City. New Delhi: Roli Books.…
in Bibliography
A book on the history of the family of the first Municipal Commisioner of Delhi, Rai Chunnamal, often referred to as 'Rai Sahab'. The authorship of the book is credited to Lala Radha Mohan and it was published by Oxford Printing Works, Delhi in 1930. 
in Library Artifacts
Priya Chauhan: Delhi is often talked about not as a city but almost as a whole living entity .. What are your thoughts on it, on Delhi being labeled a unique city?   Narayani Gupta: You know old cities are, in a way, unique—so, that I don’t think is very special to Delhi. What is interesting…
in Interview
Priya Chauhan
What comprises the geographical area of Delhi today is a cluster of several old cities of historical and political significance. What’s ‘Old Delhi’ (Shahjahanabad) now, was a new city for the people of Mehrauli once. A city known for its cultural vibrancy. A brand-new city that developed over time…
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