Himalayan Architecture

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Isaac Tsetan Gergan
in Image Gallery
Deepti Asthana
in Image Gallery
Haimanti Dey
  Located about 60km from Dharmashala, away from busy trade and commerce routes, stands the single largest structure of excavated sandstone on a mountain ridge, a group of 19 rock-hewn temples. The temple complex, often referred to as the ‘Ellora of the North’, excavated on the single outcrop…
in Article
Bernier, Ronald M. 1983. ‘Tradition and Invention in Himachal Pradesh Temple Arts’, in Artibus Asiae 44.1:65–91.   ———. 1997. Himalayan Architecture. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated University Press.   Blackburn, Stuart H. 1985. ‘Death and Deification:…
in Bibliography