'Hindu' Charles Stuart

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  Banerjea, Dhrubajyoti. 2005. European Calcutta: Images and Recollections of a Bygone Era. New Delhi: UBS Publishers.   Buetnerr, Elizabeth. 2006. 'Cemeteries, Public Memory and Raj Nostalgia in Postcolonial Britain and India’, History and Memory 18.1:5–43.   Chaudhuri, Sukanta, ed…
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Suprotik Sur Roy and Arnab Bhaumik
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  Riti Sharma: Today we are joined by Dr. Rosie Llewellyn-Jones who is an eminent authority on the South Park Street as well as on the cemeteries across Britain as well as India. Dr. Jones we would like to begin with how you came to be associated with BACSA, first of all?   Rosie Llewyn…
in Interview
Riti Sharma
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