मुश्ताक खान
राजिम ,छत्तीसगढ़ का एक छोटा सा शहर है। यह गरियाबंद जिले की एक तहसील है जो मुख्य रूप से राजीव लोचन मंदिर के कारण प्रसिद्द है। पुरातत्ववेत्ता राजिम के सुप्रसिद्ध राजीव लोचन मंदिर को आठवीं या नौवीं सदी का बताते हैं । यहाँ कुलेश्वर महादेव का भी मंदिर है जो संगम स्थल पर स्थित है।…
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Manan Kapoor
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Prof. D.P. Dubey
The most popular story associated with the Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj, Haridwar, Nashik and Ujjain is that of the pot of nectar that emerged from the samudramanthan (churning of the ocean) by the gods and the asuras. While there are several references to this tale in the epics and the Puranas, there…
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Shilpa Dahake
Dr Vaishali Balajiwale is a journalist and belongs to the Balajiwale family, which owns and manages the Balaji Temple along the Godavari Ghats. As a journalist, she has covered the last three Kumbh Melas and has extensively written about various ecological and cultural issues of the…
in Interview
Shilpa Dahake
The outlook towards rivers in India is being increasingly influenced by modernist perspectives and developmental agendas. The notion of controlling, harnessing, and taming rivers has been normalized in our minds, replacing the sacred and emotional connections that human societies have traditionally…
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Sindhuja Parthasarathy
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