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Aprameya Manthena
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Aprameya Manthena
  Tamil poetry: An introduction   The study of ancient Tamil poetry encompasses understandings of sociology, ecology and cultures of particular times and spaces. The Cankam corpus (dated to the early period of the millennium) makes references to lived practices, culture and economy of…
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Aprameya Manthena
‘Kuravar’ was the generic name given to hill/forest communities of the Deccan that practised shifting cultivation, food gathering and hunting. The kuratti or singi (female belonging to Kuravar community) and the kuravan or singan (male belonging to the Kuravar community) belong to the Kurinji (hill…
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Aprameya Manthena
Prof. Radhika Seshan is an historian, who has worked on the Kuravanji and its links to emerging kings, 'folk' tradition, identity, legitimacy and court culture.   Aprameya Manthena: What type of differences may be noticed in the kuravanjis of the Nayaka period (16th to 18th century) and those…
in Interview
Aprameya Manthena
  Introduction and history   The Vijayanagara empire ruled the majority of the South Indian region (including parts of modern-day Karnataka, Andhra, Telangana and Tamil Nadu) from the thirteenth to the early sixteenth centuries. Some scholars have interpreted their rule as cosmopolitan—…
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