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Shilpi Gulati: Your style is more journalistic and minimal in that sense and limited to interviews rather than voice-over and poetry. I wanted to talk a little bit about your presence in your film…
Anand Patwardhan: I suppose what appears journalistic about my films is the fact that…
in Interview
Satyajit Ray (1921–92) is no longer the only Indian filmmaker the world has heard of, but he remains the best-known. Ray’s international reputation, however, does not adequately reflect the complexities and ideological nuances of his films. Initially hailed as an Indian incarnation of…
in Overview
Namdeo Dhasal is arguably one of the most significant Indian poets of the late 20th century. His work not only captures what freedom, democracy and modernity meant for the average Indian in the decades after Independence—experiences, no doubt, fraught with contradictions—but it also displays…
in Article