
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Shyam Saran
The spiritual journey I wish to consider here is, in fact, a story of several journeys, spanning a vast historical time. It is the story of an ancient sage, Bodhidharma, who travelled across the seas from his native Kanchipuram in the sixth century to China, preaching the word of Lord Buddha, like…
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Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Mingyur Rinpoche traces the life of Guru Padmasambhava, starting with his journey in India and about his impact in different parts of Asia, especially the pivotal role he had in bringing Buddhism to Tibet. Rinpoche talks about how Padmasambhava manifested himself in different forms to benefit…
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Graham Burns
'Cauraṅgi, Nāth siddha, from the caves at Panhale Kaji in Maharashtra'. Photo by Dr James Mallinson and Dr Daniela Bevilacqua, Haṭha Yoga Project.   Although meditative practices can be found in many (perhaps most) religious and spiritual traditions, as well as in more secular milieux in…
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These articles are part of a series on Sahapedia emerging from the Haṭha Yoga Project (HYP), a five-year (2015–20) research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and based at SOAS, University of London. It aims at charting the history of physical yoga practice by means of…
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