Dr Maneet Kaur
Books in English
Aijazuddin, F.S. Pahari Paintings and Sikh Portraits in the Lahore Museum. London, New York: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1977.
All about Sikh. Art and Architecture of Harimandir Sahib: The Golden Temple. Online at http://www.sikhhistory.com/sikhhist/personalities/…
in Bibliography
Dr Maneet Kaur
Sachkhand, Sri Harmandir Sahib (also called Sri Darbar Sahib) was blown up thrice, between 1757 to 1764, by Ahmed Shah Abdali. In 1764, Maharaja Jassa Singh Ahluwalia (1718–83) and Misl Sikh chieftains took the initiative to rebuild Darbar Sahib that stands till date. In 1810, Maharaja…
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Dr Maneet Kaur
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