
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Priya Joseph
Dr Kaup Jagadish is a civil engineer and former professor at Indian Institute of Science. Considered a pioneer in earth-based construction technology, he has experimented with earth construction in combination with newer construction materials, and has worked to bring back…
in Interview
Priya Joseph
Ravindra Gundu Rao specialises in heritage building conservation and mud architecture. Based in Mysore, Rao has worked on conservation and restoration of several architectural buildings and spaces. He has experience working with traditional materials and techniques involving lime, brick and…
in Interview
Priya Joseph
This module documents and traces the native methods of building in South India, especially its roofing systems, before and after the Industrial Revolution. Circumstantial reasons and resources shape this trajectory and provide for unique practices in the region. From mud roofs to thatch roofs, to…
in Module