Raziuddin Aquil
This article aims to explore the connections between the emergence of Delhi as a major Sufi centre and sanctuary of Islam and its becoming the seat of political power.[1] If Ajmer was the Mecca of Islam in Hindustan, Delhi emerged in the 13th and 14th centuries as its Medina.…
in Article
Prof. Malekandathil describes what Sufi spaces meant to the people of 14th-century Delhi, many of whom were migrants from Baghdad or had come from rural areas seeking work in the army and workshops of the Sultanate. Sufism provided them direction, a way of making sense of their lives in an…
in Interview
Sunil Kumar
Paper presented at a conference on ‘State Formation and Social Integration in Pre-modern South and Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study of Asian Society’, Toyo Bunko, Tokyo, Japan, March 8–9, 2014
In the literature on the making of Muslim societies in India, its rulers and military…
in Article
Kuldeep Patowary and Shounak Ghosh
in Image Gallery
Sohail Hashmi
An interview with Sohail Hashmi on the history of Sufi settlements in Delhi, describing how people were drawn to Sufism because it was inclusive, adopted the language of the people, and laid stress on serving fellow beings rather than on ritual. Sufis were venerated for having superhuman…
in Interview
Kuldeep Patowary and Shounak Ghosh
The evolution of Sufi networks in the emerging metropolis of the Islamic East (Delhi) from the 13th century onwards is traced through articles and interviews, looking particularly at interactions with the political establishment and society, so as to unravel the multiple roles played by the…
in Module
S. Gopalakrishnan: Would you give an overarching perspective on rediscovering Indian architecture through your ‘knowledge system approach’?
Nalini Thakur: So, I have a strategy called 'rediscovery' of Indian historical architecture. The fact is that our architecture is…
in Interview
Catherine B. Asher
Fig. 1: Taj Mahal (photo Rachita Jain)
Annually, thousands of Indian and international tourists come to visit this white marble tomb placed in a spectacular garden complex. The Taj is attractive to tourists for various reasons: it is one of the greatest monuments in the world, one of its Seven…
in Overview