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Chaudhuri, Sagarika. Economic Zoology. Kolkata: NCBA, 2016.
Chatterjee, B., and Kundu, S. ‘Gender and Development: SHG’s, Women Workers and Enterpreneurs.’ Journal of Economic and Social Development 7, no. 2 (2011): 84-97.
"Content". Indian Aquarium Hobbyist. …
in Bibliography
According to a 2014 report in the International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, the Kolkata port (around which the ornamental fisheries are centered in West Bengal) is responsible for exporting 90 per cent of indigenous fish from the country.
Entrepreneurs in Domjur…
in Video
Barnamala Roy: How did you decide to farm ornamental fish?
Sujata Gure: We had witnessed ornamental fish being successfully farmed at a nearby place, which inspired us to take up the farming. We started the venture in ten earthen vessels ('majla').
B.R.: Which fish did you begin raising first?
in Interview
Interviewee: Dr. Bijoy Kali Mahapatra
Interviewer: Barnamala Roy
Camera, Editing: Bishwadeep Mitra and Annapurna Banerjee
Barnamala Roy: How did ornamental fish attract your curiosity? Also, why and how did you select ornamental fish farming as your subject of research?
in Interview
The idea of women empowerment, evolving through the international conferences organized by the UNDP throughout the 1990s, has cited five components integral for its materialization. According to the guidelines mentioned in UNDP’s website, these are as follows: 'women's sense of…
in Article
A cluster of hamlets and villages in Amtala, South 24 Parganas District (West Bengal) get their names from a community of fish farmers-'Ghora Para', 'Mondal Para', 'Mistry Para', 'Gure Para', 'Bera Para'. The farmers, here, can be found cultivating fish on their rooftops or in their backyard…
in Overview
Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai are the chief contributors of ornamental fish farming in India. Of these the Kolkata port (around which the ornamental fisheries are centred in West Bengal) is responsible for exporting 90 per cent of indigenous fish from the country. Notwithstanding the brief history of…
in Module