B.N. Goswamy
Paithan Ramayana paintings are marked by colourful and innovative designs, and have a highly sophisticated visual language. The paintings were once carried around by bards known as chitrakathis, who used them while reciting the epic as they moved from village to village. Prof. B.N.…
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Azeez Tharuvana
Wayanad, in Kerala, is often described as the ‘valley of heaven’. Situated around 2,500–2,700 feet above sea level, it is a rich reserve of rare biodiversity. A mountain range of considerable significance in the Western Ghats, it has an area of 2132 sq. km, of which 37.07% is covered in forests.…
in Overview
Bailey, H.W. 1939. The Ram Story in Khotanese. Journal of the American Oriental Society 59:460–68.
Bulcke, Camille. 2008. Ramakatha and Other Essays. New Delhi: Vani Prakashan.
Connor, J.P. 1925. The Ramayana of Burma. Journal of the Burma…
in Bibliography
Azeez Tharuvana
The rich oral narratives of Wayanad challenge homogenous notions of the Ramayana, and celebrate the epic's plurality. Wayanad is a scenic district nestling among the hills in the Western Ghats in the north-east of Kerala. It has the largest tribal population in the state. Its several tribes…
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