Partition of India

Displaying 1 - 10 of 21
Nirupama Dutt
Punjabi poetess Amrita Pritam is regarded as the high priestess of love, a crusader for parity and a rare romantic-feminist. Sahapedia pays a tribute to the woman who became the first modern poet of Punjab at the age of 16. (Photo Courtesy: Public Domain) A drop of your love had blended in So I…
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B.N. Goswamy
The Partition of India in 1947 was the largest human migration in recorded history. Around 15 million people were uprooted as a consequence, and the Punjab region—a part of which was incorporated into Pakistan—was one of the worst-affected areas in the subcontinent along with Bengal. Prof. B.N…
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Navina Lamba
There are numerous museums all around India which trace the nation's history and the lives of the people who helped achieve independence from the British. These museums, which preserve the legacy of our freedom fighters, are important sites which make the younger generation aware of the…
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Manan Kapoor
Numerous mass migrations have taken place in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Indian subcontinent witnessed the horrors of Partition, the migration of the Tibetan refugees, the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War and the exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits. We explore the angst of displacement…
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Srija Naskar
Saadat Hasan Manto was constantly at war with himself. Following the footsteps of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the iconic writer separated Saadat Hasan, the person, from Manto, the writer. We take a close look at the ‘one–two’ man, who was at times unheroic and self-contradictory, yet brutal and free-…
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Writing the History of Indraprastha College Meena Bhargava:  Let me introduce you to the fact that our former principal, Dr Aruna Sitesh had conceived this idea of commemorating 75 years of college. What she had in mind was to do a calendar history of the college which would run…
in Interview
  Vasdev Mohi (Vasdev Vensimal Sidhnani), one of the best-known contemporary Sindhi writers, was born on March 2, 1944, in Mirpur Khas, now in Pakistan. The Ahmedabad-based poet, critic and short story writer is the winner of numerous awards, including the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1999 for…
in Interview
This interview with Dr Satish Rohra, an eminent scholar, Sindhi short story writer and critic, took place at the Indian Institute of Sindhology on July 19, 2011—a memorable date because that was when he and his team at the Institute put in the final entry for a major dictionary project, the…
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Sindhi author Kala Prakash talks about her memories of Partition, how it impacted her writing and her life's work of trying to nurture an interest in and love for the Sindhi language among Sindhis.
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One of the founder-members of the Indian Institute of Sindhology in Kutch, Gujarat, Professor Pritam Varyani is an authority on Sindhi folklore and literature. In this interview at the Institute’s Museum, which Prof. Varyani was at the time managing, he talks about how urbanization has had a…
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