Progressive Writer's Association
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From the heart of a well-known family of Hyderabad to life in a single room with the barest of necessities, Shaukat Kaifi’s memoir of her life with the renowned poet Kaifi Azmi speaks of love and commitment. A marriage of over a half a century, a life steeped in poetry and progressive politics,…
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Qurratulain Hyder exhibited a robust inclination for experimental and experiential writing. Locating her texts in history, Hyder explored philosophical perspectives, cultural mores, customs and traditions in language and form that were innovative advancements on the available and the accepted. We…
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Ismat Chughtai was a fierce writer who wrote extensively on themes of female sexuality, femininity and class conflict. She not only wrote short stories and novels but also numerous essays including ‘Pompom Darling’, in which she critiqued Qurratulain Hyder’s early writings, asking…
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Saadat Hasan Manto was constantly at war with himself. Following the footsteps of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the iconic writer separated Saadat Hasan, the person, from Manto, the writer. We take a close look at the ‘one–two’ man, who was at times unheroic and self-contradictory, yet brutal and free-…
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