Ram Charit Manas

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Kanad Sinha
A module on Rāmakathā or the story of Rāma one of the most notable South Asian traditions.
in Module
Kanad Sinha: As we know, there is so much debate about the nature of the Rāmakathā tradition. How do you perceive the Rāmakathā tradition? Is it a tradition centred on one ur-text, the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, which gradually inspired a wide range of texts; or is it an open tradition formed by several…
in Interview
Select Bibliography   Primary texts   Adhyātma Rāmāyaṇa. 1992. Edited and translated in Hindi by Munnilal. Gorakhpur: Gita Press. Ānanda Rāmāyaṇa. 1977. Edited by PanditYugal Kishor Dvivedi with commentary ‘Jyotsnā’ by Pandey Ramrej Sastri. Varanasi: Pandita Pustakalaya. Bhāsa.…
in Bibliography
Kanad Sinha
Ramakatha, Love and Valmiki in South Asian Tradition Rāmakathā or the story of Rāma is one of the most notable South Asian traditions. As R.P. Goldman and Sally J. Sutherland Goldman have described it, it stands for the collectivity of oral, literary, folk, performative and artistic…
in Overview
Ipshita Chanda
An overview of its history   Etymology The charit is a type of narrative found in a number of languages existing in pre-modern India, and still survives as a text-name in some of the modern languages formed from them. Generally, the charit is the narrative of a character’s life and/or exploits…
in Article