Scroll Painting

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Sritama Halder
While explaining some phrases from the song she recreates a Rama Katha of her own. Following is an edited transcript. Namaskar. My name is Monimala Chitrakar. The name of my village is Naya, thana Pingla, district West Midnapore. I live here. I started learning pata songs and painting patas from my…
in Video
Mushtak Khan
ओडिशा के पटचित्र   यह कहना तो कठिन होगा कि ओडिशा के पटचित्र कब और कैसे बनना आरम्भ हुए परन्तु इनकी परम्परा प्राचीन है यह निश्चित रूप से  कहा जा सकता है। पटचित्रों के उदभव्  के संबंध में कोई प्रामाणिक उल्लेख तो नहीं मिलता परन्तु जगन्नाथ उपासना से इनके  निकट सम्बन्ध के कारण इनकी…
in Article Bhattacharya was actually one of the first scholars to work on Purulia Chhau. He did in fact spend a lot of time and effort thinking about the etymology of the word Chhau. 'Chho' is the way he wrote it down in his text and he took it…
in Interview