Ayan Ghosh
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B.N. Goswamy
Story of a 16th-century Asian ivory casket that was carved in Sri Lanka has a fascinating history of colonial and evangelising power. Now exhibited in London, Prof. B.N. Goswamy revisits the connection between this art piece and an engraving by the great German artist Albrecht Durer. (Photo…
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Prof. Lokesh Chandra
I want to begin with a question. From where did Padmasambhava go to Tibet? The Tibetan tradition is very clear in the spellings of the place from where he went to Tibet. That is a very important part. In the last decade of the nineteenth century, Waddell identified Oddiyana as Uddiyana. It was very…
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Namita Gokhale and Dr Malashri Lal
In this magisterial essay, Namita Gokhale and Dr Malashri Lal review the sweep of linguistic and literary cross currents that rode on the waves of trade, war and religion throughout South Asia. Looking back from the first decade of the 21st century, the authors stress the process of…
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Ravana, a staunch devotee of Shiva, is said to have expressed his devotion through music. Ravanahatha was his instrument of choice, which literally translates to, ‘Ravana’s Hand.’ This video is a brief introduction to Ravana's instrument.
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Ayan Ghosh
in Image Gallery