
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Bibliography Books Ajith Kumar, V. 2006. Puppet Theatre: Charithravum Prayogavum ('Puppet Theatre: History and Practice'). Natyadarsana.   Blackburn, Stuart. 1996. Inside the Drama-House. Rama Stories and Shadow Puppets in South India. Berkeley: University of California…
in Bibliography
                                    Tolpavakoothu master-artist, Koonathara Krishnankutty Pulavar, was probably one of the most…
in Interview
in Image Gallery
Sreedevi D.
Tolpavakoothu or Shadow Puppetry is an ancient art form practiced in the Kali temples in north Kerala. It orginally belonged to a world filled with rituals, beliefs and superstitions where the performer, the Pulavar, was highly regarded by the devotees for his orginality, scholarship and his…
in Module