
Displaying 71 - 80 of 370
  Pandvani is one of the most celebrated forms of folklore from Chhattisgarh. Before it became a professional performative genre , the Pandavani consisted of different forms of oral lore in circulation in this region. Initially there were lores that belonged to the Gond adivasis of this region.…
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मुश्ताक खान
छत्तीसगढ़ी पंडवानी कथा गायन का जो रूप आज हम देखते हैं वह अपने मूल रूप से बहुत अलग है। देहाती आंगनों, चौपालों से निकलकर नगरीय मंचों तक पहुंचने की पंडवानी गायन की इस यात्रा का स्वरुप क्या है यह जानना भी रुचिकर है। यद्यपि नगण्य मात्रा में ही सही पर अपने मूल रूप में यह परम्परा कुछ गांवों में आज भी जारी…
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मुश्ताक खान
भारतीय समाज एक धर्मभीरु समाज है। यहाँ का सामाजिक जीवन पाप-पुण्य की धारणाओं से संचालित होता है। यहाँ सामान्य मान्यता यह है कि इस जन्म में हम  जो आनंद ले रहे हैं, वह पिछले जन्म में  जो हमने दिया है, उसका परिणाम है। इस जन्म में जो हम देंगे, उसका फल हमको अगले जन्म में मिलेगा। हमने जो भी पिछले जन्म में…
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Pandvani is one of the most celebrated forms of folklore from Chhattisgarh. In recent recent years its popularity outside this region owes much to the lauded performer Teejan Bai. Known mostly as a regional/ folk version of the Mahabharata, its terms of relationship with the Sanskrit epic are…
in Library Artifacts
Pandvani is one of the most celebrated forms of folklore from Chhattisgarh. In recent recent years its popularity outside this region owes much to the lauded performer Teejan Bai. Known mostly as a regional/ folk version of the Mahabharata, its terms of relationship with the Sanskrit epic are…
in Library Artifacts
Pandvani is one of the most celebrated forms of folklore from Chhattisgarh. In recent recent years its popularity outside this region owes much to the lauded performer Teejan Bai. Known mostly as a regional/ folk version of the Mahabharata, its terms of relationship with the Sanskrit epic are…
in Library Artifacts
  Pandvani is one of the most celebrated forms of folklore from Chhattisgarh. In recent recent years its popularity outside this region owes much to the lauded performer Teejan Bai. Known mostly as a regional/ folk version of the Mahabharata, its terms of relationship with the Sanskrit epic are…
in Library Artifacts
Ajeya Vajpayee
In close proximity with Bhoramdeo and Cherki Mahal, Madwa Mahal is an east facing brick shrine built in the early Nagara idiom. Kawardha. Madwa Mahal. South View. Photo Credit: Anzaar Nabi   Madwa Mahal, Hero Stone. Photo Credit: Anzaar Nabi   Madwa Mahal, Sati Stone. Photo Credit: Anzaar Nabi…
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 पंडवानी के पुरोधा श्री झाडूराम देवांगन जी वेदमती शैली के शीर्षस्त एवं सिंद्धस्त कलाकार थे. महाभारत कथा को लोक धुन में बांध कर जो प्रस्तुति करते थे वे अद्भुद और मनमोहक होता था. पंडवानी गायन का एकल अभिनय भारत वर्ष में बेजोड़ है. महाभारत कथा पर आधारित संपूर्ण भारत के अन्य प्रांतो में भी आंचलित भाषाओ…
in Library Artifacts
Preeti Bahadur Ramaswami, Mushtak Khan
Sometime around the turn of the century a young uncle and nephew duo sang stories of the Pandavas in the Raipur-Bilaspur region. The mama-bhanja duo, as they came to be called, sang at churahas and in open spaces, without microphone and without a stage. Entire village turned up to listen to them,…
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