
Displaying 41 - 50 of 61
Lokeshwari Dasgupta
When I refer to the ‘modern world’, I largely mean the last 30–40 years. To understand the characteristics of the modern world, one has to develop a deep sociological understanding of the evolution of society. However, in this article, I will discuss the relationship between mudras and the present…
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Siddhi Goel
Kathak is commonly regarded as one of the seven state-recognised classical dance forms of India and is the only one from North India. It is known for its technical virtuosity, fluid movements, footwork, sharp spins and versatile range of abhinaya. Because of its past associations with courtesan…
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Rekha Konsam
IntroductionLai Haraoba is a religious festival celebrated by the Meitei people who are largely settled in and around Manipur. It is held at neighbourhood shrines dedicated to the local umanglai deities. These is a generic category of deities within the religious faith of the Meiteis that pre-dates…
in Overview
Surangama Lala Dasgupta
By ‘therapy’, we mean interpersonal treatment for problems in life. Therapy provides ways to express feelings, understand patterns of thinking, gain perspective on past events and current relationships, set goals, and clarify dreams for the future. Psychotherapy, designed to improve mental health,…
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Surangama Lala Dasgupta
The theory and practice of mudra is an integral part of our classical heritage. From the Vedic period right down to our times, mudra has played a crucial role in our representational arts like dance and music, as well as in yoga and prayer. This is an attempt to study and examine the role of mudra…
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Menka Singh
in Video
  Amba Prasad Patala belongs to a long lineage of Yakshagana artists. With his father Patala Venkataramana’s support and guidance, Amba started out as a Yakshagana artiste and soon achieved eminence as a female role player.         Manorama B.N. : I thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.…
in Interview
Introduction by Dr Manorama B. N.   Mantapa is a popular name among the female role players in Yakshagana. He has performed on 1000 stages as a female impersonator. He did many commendable experiments in Yakshagana. Mantapa fulfilled the dream of Shatavadhani R. Ganesh by successfully conducting…
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The article is about the dance conference held in Hawaii in August, 1978.
in Library Artifacts
Kolkali ('stick dance') performed by the Wayanadan Chettis as part of their wedding festivities: the songs are based on oral narrations of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, such as the vanavasa (exile to the forest) of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita.
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