
Displaying 61 - 70 of 73
Robert Palmer Goldman
Social Vision and Historical Perspective in the Mahābhārata and the Vālmīkirāmāyaṇa India’s age-old fascination with its two great and ancient epic tales of love and war and of the descent of the Godhead in human form to right the evils of the world and to restore the ascendancy of dharma,…
in Article
Q.: Where do you think the relevance of Comparative Literature lies vis-a-vis the socio-cultural context of India? Ganesh Devy: India is a multilingual country. The literary traditions in India have evolved through numerous languages. In our country, literature is closely linked with music, dance,…
in Interview
Sananda Dasgupta
in Module
Satghara, BIhar, October 2015
in Video
Madhubani, Bihar, November 2015
in Video
Bharti Dayal is a Madhubani artist (National Awardee) from India. In the interview she talks about the history and present status of the Mithila style of painting as well as her own art practice.     Could you please tell us about the history and origin of Mithila painting?   Madhubani Art traces…
in Interview
Anand, Mulk Raj. 1984. Madhubani Painting. New Delhi: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.   Archer, William G. 1949. 'Mithila painting', Marg, 3(3), 24-33.     Brown, Carolyn Henning. 1996. ‘Contested Meanings: Tantra and the Poetics of Mithila Art', American Ethnologist, 23 (4), 717-737…
in Bibliography
in Image Gallery
Sunanda Sahay
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when we grow up.” Pablo Picasso   Nestled in the flood plains of the Ganges, the Mithila region has given rise to ancient cultures and is the birthplace of a significant body of classical arts and literature. We find the earliest…
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