
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Manan Kapoor and Shruti Chakraborty
While the Targaryens and the Lannisters continue to fight for the coveted Iron Throne in the iconic TV series ‘Game of Thrones’, we look at some of the historic Indian thrones that were symbols of power and wealth.     While many might think that there is no other throne as powerful and…
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  Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum in Ahmedabad houses Indian sculptures, bronzes, manuscript paintings, drawings, miniature paintings, ancient coins and bead works. The museum was established by Muni Shri Punyavijayaji, Jaina scholar, and Sheth Kasturbhai Lalbhai, an industrialist. Its foundation…
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Toolika Gupta
‘Jama’ in Urdu means a garment, robe, gown or vest, basically an upper garment like a shirt. In Bangla, the shirt is referred to as ‘jama’ even today. The jama that this article explores is the long tunic-like dress with an upper bodice attached to the lower skirt at the waist. The length of the…
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