
Displaying 71 - 77 of 77
Anand, Mulk Raj. 1984. Madhubani Painting. New Delhi: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.   Archer, William G. 1949. 'Mithila painting', Marg, 3(3), 24-33.     Brown, Carolyn Henning. 1996. ‘Contested Meanings: Tantra and the Poetics of Mithila Art', American Ethnologist, 23 (4), 717-737…
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Sunanda Sahay
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when we grow up.” Pablo Picasso   Nestled in the flood plains of the Ganges, the Mithila region has given rise to ancient cultures and is the birthplace of a significant body of classical arts and literature. We find the earliest…
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Asha Ponikiewska
  Chhau is a martial art based dance or dance-drama forms of East India. There are three recognized styles of Chhau: Seraikella from the state of Jharakhand, Mayurbhanj from Orissa and Purulia from West Bengal as well as lesser known Kharsawan Chhau, which is awaiting appreciation from wider…
in Overview
 Chhau is a martial art based dance or dance-drama form East India. Recognized styles of Chhau are: Seraikela from the state of Jharakhand, Mayurbhanj from Orissa and Purulia from West Bengal as well as lesser known Kharsawan Chhau,from Jharkhand. 
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Judhajit Sarkar
‘Gaa’ implies ‘gaan’ (song) and ‘jon’ might have come from ‘mahajan’ (the great/noble one). If one goes by this logic, which appears valid in the local, originary context of the word, the meaning of Gajon becomes ‘song dedicated to Shiva (mahajan)’.  
in Module
  Neerja Dasani: So I will start with, while going through some research that I was doing, I came across a quote of yours where you said, ‘In many ways I am the person I am because of that institution.’ So could you elaborate on that? We could begin with that.   V.P. Dhananjayan: Well, Kalakshetra…
in Interview