Bibliography: The Fort of Daulatabad

in Bibliography
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Fass, Virginia. 1986. The Forts of India. Calcutta: Rupa & Co.


Gordon, S. 1979. ‘Forts and Social Control in the Maratha State’. Modern Asian Studies 13.1:1–17.


Markel, S. 1994. ‘Once the Capital of India: The Great Fort of Daulatabad. Orientations 25.2:47–52.


Mate, M.S. 1983. Daulatabad: Road to Islamic Archaeology in India. World Archaeology 14.3:335–41. Online at Academia. edu (viewed on October 27, 2016).


———. 1988. ‘Daulatabad: An Archaeological Interpretation’. Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute 47:207–26.


Qureshi, D. 2004. Fort of Daulatabad. Bharatiya Kala Prakashan.


Rao, S.P. and S. Pratap. 1963. Daulatabad (Deogiri). Aurangabad: Jaihind P. Press.