Dr Azeez Tharuvana in Conversation with Prof. M.G.S. Narayanan: Edakkal Caves

Dr Azeez Tharuvana in Conversation with Prof. M.G.S. Narayanan: Edakkal Caves

in Interview
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Dr Azeez Tharuvana

Author of several books, including Ramayana traditions of Wayanad, Azeez Tharuvana teaches at Farook College, Kozhikode. His areas of interest are wide and diverse.

Prof. Narayanan speaking on Edakkal Caves with Dr Azeez Tharuvana; Kozhikode 2017.

Prof. M.G.S. Narayanan, a renowned historian and an authority especially on South Indian History, shares his experience about visiting the Edakkal caves with archaeologist H.D. Sankalia. He also speaks about the significance of the Edakkal caves, which according to him is not really a cave, the unique rock art and engravings found here and the history of the Wayanad region in the context of the caves.