For any Indian classical dancer, except may be for the Manipuri performer, his or her ghungroo is a special and sacred ornament. This is particularly true of Yakshagana artistes in Coastal Karnataka. Every year when their annual tour begins, the Yakshagana artistes gather at the temple of their particular deity and perform certain rituals and proceed to tie the ghungroos blessed by the gods. At the end of the tour they again assemble to remove the ghungroos in the presence of the deity. This video has recorded the ghungroo tying and removing ceremonies that were conducted at Kateelu Temple in 2017.
Ghungroo Tying and Removing Ceremonies in Yakshagana
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Dr Manorama B.N.
Well-known Yakshagana and Bharatanatyam artiste, author and scholar Dr Manorama runs the bi-monthly dance research journal 'Noopurabhramari'. She has authored several books and is passionately committed to the preservation and propagation of Indian performing art forms.