Danish Qazi
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Parshati Dutta
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Nawang Tsering Shakspo
The charismatic teachings and deeds of Guru Padmasambhava have had wide-reaching effects on the followers of Tibetan Buddhism in Ladakh. I would like to start with a quote from Chandra Das’ A Tibetan–English Dictionary:
Pad-ma abun-gna is the Tibetan name of the great master of magic who came into…
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Sindhuja Parthasarathy
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Sharmistha Dutta
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Sankar Sridhar
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Chakraverti Mahajan
This essay introduces the linguistic zone of Saraz in the state of Jammu and Kashmir where Sarazi is the lingua franca of thousands of people. Saraz is located in the erstwhile Doda district, which was one of the six districts in Jammu province of the state before its territorial…
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Vikalp Ashiquehind and Rohan Chauhan
Saraz is a region in the Jammu division of Jammu and Kashmir state of India. The spelling (Romanː Siraj, Siraz, Saraj or Saraz; Devanagariː सिराज, सराज; Perso-Arabicː سراج. سراز) and pronunciation (IPA: sɪrɑːd͡ʒ, sɪrɑːd͡z ,sɪrɑːz, sərɑːd͡ʒ, sərɑːd͡z ,sərɑːz) varies within the region. Sarazi and…
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Simple Rajrah
There is an enormous amount of silence that surrounds the border, moving swiftly through the vast yellow mustard fields, dipping its feet in the green rice marshes and finally settling unwillingly over the thin but prickly concertina wires that divide two nations. This silence sounds very familiar…
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Navjot Kour
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