A Walk through Jewish Calcutta

A Walk through Jewish Calcutta

in Video
Published on:
Kolkata 2018

The Baghdadi Jews came to Calcutta during the British Raj. They left impressive traces behind like large synagogues, schools, and a cemetery in Narkeldanga. Apart from these Ezra Mansions and the Ezra hospital, Nahoums Confectionary, and two buildings in the zoo are owned and endowed by Jews. There are many mansions, residences and buildings that still stand tall but no longer bear their Jewish names and very few know about their Jewish legacy.

David Cohen built the first synagogue in Calcutta, known as the Old Synagogue. There are currently three synagogues in Calcutta: Neveh Shalome, is situated in Canning Street which was rebuilt a century ago by Ezekiel Judah Jacob. The Maghen David Synagogue founded by Elias David Joseph Ezra now stands in its compound. The Beth-El Synagogue on Pollock street, was founded in 1855-56 by Joseph Ezra and Ezekiel Judah. 

Jael Silliman takes us through the Jewish landmarks of Calcutta.