The Positionality of Nirmal Verma'a Writings: In Conversation with Prof. Nityanand Tiwari

The Positionality of Nirmal Verma'a Writings: In Conversation with Prof. Nityanand Tiwari

in Interview
Published on:

Akhil P. Veetil

Akhil P. Veetil has a Masters in English from the Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal. He wrote his MA thesis on Nirmal Verma's fiction.

Akhil P. Veetil in conversation with Prof. Nityanand Tiwari, retired professor of Hindi, Delhi University.


Prof. Nityanand Tiwari, retired professor of Hindi, Delhi University, speaks of the relationship of politics and art as well as the concept of alienation for Nirmal Verma. Comparing Verma to Jainendra and Mukhtibodh, he discusses how Verma differed from them and built on the works of writers from the previous generations. Interview recorded and edited by Abhay Singh Chauhan.