Further Reading on Ray

in Bibliography
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Titas De Sarkar

Bandyopadhyay, Samik, Satyajit Ray and Karuna Shankar Roy. 1971. ‘The Artist in Politics. From an Interview with Satyajit Ray in Kolkata [Calcutta], May 1970’, Drama Review 15.2:310.


Bandyopadhyaya, Surabhi. 1996. Satyajit Ray: Beyond the Frame. New Delhi: Allied Publishers.


Barnouw, Erik. 1981. ‘Lives of a Bengal Filmmaker: Satyajit Ray of Calcutta’, The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress 38.2:60–77.


Bhattacharya, Amitabha.1991. ‘Satyajit Ray's Calcutta: Friend or Adversary?’, India International Centre Quarterly 17.3/4:301–13.


Cardullo, Bert and Satyajit Ray. 2007. Satyajit Ray: Interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.


Cooper, Darius. 2000.The Cinema of Satyajit Ray: Between Tradition and Modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Das, Santi, ed. 1998. Satyajit Ray: An Intimate Master. New Delhi: Allied Publishers.


Dasgupta, Chidananda. 1994. The Cinema of Satyajit Ray. New Delhi: National Book Trust.


Dube, Reena. 2005. Satyajit Ray's the Chess Players and Postcolonial Theory: Culture, Labour, and the Value of Alterity. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave MacMillan.


Ganguly, Keya. 2010. Cinema, Emergence, and the Films of Satyajit Ray. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Ganguly, Suranjan. 2007. Satyajit Ray: In Search of the Modern. Lanham, MD.: Scarecrow Press.


Gupta, Udayan, and Satyajit Ray. 1982. ‘The Politics of Humanism: An Interview with Satyajit Ray’, Cinéaste 12.1:24–29.


Hannan, David. 1990. ‘Patriarchal Discourse in some Early Films of Satyajit Ray’. Deep Focus 3.1:30–57.


Heifetz, Hank. 1993. ‘Mixed Music: In Memory of Satyajit Ray’, Cinéaste 19.4:72–73.


Lal, Vinay. 1996. ‘Masculinity and Femininity in The Chess Players: Sexual Moves, Colonial Manoeuvres, and an Indian Game’, in Manushi:A Journal of Women and Society 92-93:41–50.


Misra, Amaresh. 1992. ‘Satyajit Ray's Films: Precarious Social-Individual Balance’, Economic and Political Weekly 27.20/21:1052–54.


Nandy, Ashis. 1995. ‘Satyajit Ray’s Secret Guide to Exquisite Murders: Creativity, Social Criticism, and the Partitioning of the Self’, in his The Savage Freud and Other Essays on Possible and Retrievable Selves. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 237–66.


Nyce, Ben. 1988. Satyajit Ray: A Study of his Films. New York: Praeger.


Ray, Satyajit. 2005. Speaking of Films. New Delhi: Penguin Books India.


———. 2009. Our Films, Their Films. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan.


———. 2011. Deep Focus: Reflections on Cinema. New Delhi: HarperCollins.


Ray, Satyajit, Parimal Roy, and Sandip Ray. 2005. The Vision of Ray: Cine Posters and Beyond. Kolkata: Pratikshan.


Ray, Satyajit, and Sandip Ray, ed. 2011. Satyajit Ray on Cinema. New York: Columbia University Press.


Ray, Bijoya. 2012. Manik and I: My Life with Satyajit Ray, trans. Indrani Majumdar. London: Penguin U.K.


Robinson, Andrew. 1989. Satyajit Ray: The Inner Eye. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Sarkar, Bidyut. 1993. The World of Satyajit Ray. New Delhi: UBS Publishers’ Distributors.


Sen, Jayanti. 2012. Looking Beyond: Graphics of Satyajit Ray. New Delhi: Roli Books.


Sengoopta, Chandak. 1993. ‘Satyajit Ray: The Plight of the Third-World Artist’, The American Scholar 62.2:247–54.


———. 2009. ‘Satyajit Ray: Liberalism and its Vicissitudes’, Cinéaste 34.4:16–22.


———. 2011. ‘“The Fruits of Independence”: Satyajit Ray, Indian Nationhood and the Spectre of Empire’, South Asian History and Culture 2.3:374–96.


Vineberg, Steve. 1990. ‘Home and the World: Reflections on Satyajit Ray’, The Threepenny Review 43:33–35.








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